Professionele oplossing voor plaatmontage


Inhoud van de handleiding (EN)


Mixer is a powerful tool that is able to create even the most complicated and complex impositions in one step.

Mixer works with the same rules as Page Mixer, but now the new document with reordered pages is created virtually only without actually wasting time with reordering, duplicating or rotating the pages in the original document, saving the new file and then working with the new file. Mixer reorders the pages in document virtually and imposes them immediately.

Hopefully a simple sample will enlighten the virtual Mixer function: There are 2 pages in a document and they are to be placed next to each other on a sheet - using N-up imposition. BUT first the page number 2 and then page number 1 should be placed. The best solution is to choose N-up and click "Mixer" to input a rule "2 1". Then the imposition is done correctly without modifying the original PDF.


Copy 4 cards of 90 x 50 mm to SRA3 (320 x 450 mm) sheet:

Go to Page Mixer and create a preset with 4 pages in group and the rule "(1T4)#6". Save the rule as "4 cards 90x50 to SRA3" and go back to the main dialog. Put the dialog to default state (sheet size SRA3, borders 8 mm, spacing 4 mm), click Mixer and choose the rule. Then click OK.

Impose 16 pages document as booklet to A1 sheet.

Go to Page Mixer and create a preset with 0 pages in group and the rule "B(1TN)". Save the rule as "Booklet, one sheet" and go back to main dialog. Choose format A1, borders 8 mm and spacing "0 10". Check the N-up imposition. Choose your saved Mixer rule. Save the dialog's settings for later use.

It is recommended to save all the settings with detailed description for later use.

It is not possible to use function "Fill Sheet" with N-up imposition while Mixer is in use.

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